24 May

Sony RX1, 35mm f2 Carl Zeiss
ISO6400, f/2, 1/500, panorama mode, jpeg
Vivid, +2 sharpness, +1 contrast
Photogene on iPad

The beauty of an F2 lens on a camera which produces noiseless 6400ISO jpegs is that it allows for (otherwise impossible) auto-stitching night panoramas. This postcard-like view of the Duomo (cathedral) of Erice would have been simply impossible with any other compact or mirrorless camera.
What thrilled me about the cathedral (and most of the town of Erice), besides its unquestionable beauty, is its gothic nature. Gothic castles and churches such as those present in this little rocky town are typically found in the northern regions of Europe, with only a few examples in the north of Italy. Finding them here, in such a southern region of Europe and Italy is weird before being a reminder of the presence of the Normans in this area at the very beginning of the medieval times.
The post-production, done on the iPad with the Photogene app, has been really minimal, just a little crop and a slight sharpening-contrast-histogram tuning. I did also a couple of retouches, easily applied with the touch of a finger, which the app perfectly applied.

2 thoughts on “101/365 – “On the Go” nr.12”

  1. Very interesting subject, not at all something one would immediately connect with Sicily. And a technically impressive photo. I would never have guessed it was ISO 6400. 😮

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