12 Sep
213/365(+1) by Luca Rossini
213/365(+1), a photo by Luca Rossini on Flickr.

Lens: Voigtlander nokton 50mm f1.1
Camera: NEX-7, ISO100, f11, 1/160, raw

I can finally talk about it. The reason why I’ve been in Alaska, this summer, was to take part to the shooting for the promotional video of the new Sony NEX-6 mirrorless camera. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you anything before, and that sometimes I even had to lie a bit to avoid you guessing too much (and yet, some of you guessed perfectly!), but as you can imagine I was tied by contract to complete silence until the video release.
So, my daily pic is a celebration of the huge Alaskan bears, even if with this little one I won’t need any bear spray, and of photography, the one thing in the world that I love almost as my family, and the one which brought me to the other side of the world to meet the bears.
It was a Saturday of early July, I was driving to a wedding I had to photograph, when out of the blue I received a call from the UK. They asked me if I was available the last week of July to go with them in Alaska, try the new NEX-6 (a camera that at that time wasn’t even rumored), and be part of the video shooting.
I almost fainted. It was because of the blog, they said, they were following me since months, they knew what I was capable of with a NEX camera, and they liked my spirit.
As you can imagine, it has been an incredible experience. The trip itself was one of those once-in-a-life adventures, and then there was the thrill of being able to use a camera and a couple of lenses which weren’t on the market (I tried the 16-50 and the 35 f1.8), and finally the euphoria of being part of a serious photographic work, for my favorite camera brand, and with a super professional crew.
The other photographer, Mike Palmieri, is a great guy, a wonderful documentary director, and a fine photographer. The director of the promotional video, Matt Uhry, is not only a sweet and radiant guy, but also amazing at his job, I mean, look at the promo video! He’s also the guy who shot the NEX-7 video, the one in Bolivia. That’s super good too.
So, if you want to see more pics from the trip to Alaska and, in particular, if you want to see some shots taken with the NEX-6, you can visit my new website, I just published a new portfolio dedicated to it.

3 thoughts on “213/365(+1)”

    1. Cheers Martin 🙂
      I wish you to take part to the next Sony adventure!
      I know my story sounds unbelievable (to me it still does, somehow), but I guess this is the proof that going social can really help self promoting, even to find customers one would have never dreamed for!

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