09 Oct
241/365(+1) by Luca Rossini
241/365(+1), a photo by Luca Rossini on Flickr.

Lens: Voigtlander color-skopar 35mm f2.5
Camera: NEX-7, ISO400, f4, 1/30, raw

One year ago, as today, I woke up at dawn. I was in a different house, living a different life. One year ago I woke up at dawn and little did I know that it was going to be the longest day of my life. Thirty-nine hours later I would have seen my daughter Agata finally coming out of my wife Claudia, after a long and troublesome labour, and a few seconds after I would have heard her very first wail. We didn’t sleep at all from that Sunday 9th of October morning till the following Monday the 10th night, since Claudia went into labour more or less half an hour later than we went to sleep on Sunday night.
So, tomorrow we will celebrate Agata’s first birthday. And the end of the first year together. Such an incredible voyage than the simple thought of it keeps me awake. And here I am. It’s 7.20AM, the days are shortening and dawn still hasn’t left place to sunshine. My studio is invaded by a turquoise light, it shines peaceful and still, while the city behind slowly awakens.
Today is the last day of this incredible year, and since tomorrow year one A.A. will begin. It’s no time for dark thoughts or melancholy, I simply want to be thankful to fate for how this year evolved for my family and me.

5 thoughts on “241/365(+1)”

  1. Gorgeous colours and I like the shape of the chair. What time is sunrise in Rome these days? It’s around 5:45am here in Tokyo, which certainly helps me wake up in the mornings! Sunset is 17:10 though, so I leave work in the dark. However, being from England, both the outward and return journeys to work in the winter are conducted in almost pure darkness (yes, of both the physical and mental kind 😉 )

    Oh, and Happy Birthday, Agatha!

    1. sunset is around half past seven and sunset around half past six. I remember the dark months in the Netherlands too…

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