12 Nov
275/365(+1) by Luca Rossini
275/365(+1), a photo by Luca Rossini on Flickr.

Lens: Voigtlander nokton 50mm f1.1
Camera: NEX-7, ISO800, f6, 1/80, raw

Done. The first shooting with two models has been performed today. The client was there, the mood was perfect, the feeling as well. I didn’t have problems relating with the models, I made good use of the lights, and in a few minutes I got several good shots. So, it seems I’ve got the job. Unfortunately, at the moment I can’t show you any of the shots yet.
My first assignment will be to shoot six models on a white, seamless background with studio lights. Plain and simple fashion photography for commercial use. After that (and supposing I nail the job) it will be the time for Julia, Claudia and myself to develop a series of more artistic and editorial-style fashion projects. We already have tons of ideas, but this doesn’t seem to prevent us from having new ones on a daily basis.
The client works in the most luxurious and posh part of the city, in that segment of the center where no boutiques sell anything which costs less than a iPhone (yeah, that’s one of my measurement units). Everything is so clean, and perfect, and shiny, and gorgeous, and expensive, and far, far away from my (current) lifestyle. Girls around here are stunning, men perfectly shaven, in great shape, and wearing sartorial suits.
From what I saw, where fashion is, you’ll find temples to worship it in, and tens of faithful believers. For example, very close to the client’s studio, there’s the temple devoted to Louis Vuitton. Don’t you feel already more mystical-materialist just by looking at this incredible display?

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