10 Apr
58/365(+1) by Luca Rossini
58/365(+1), a photo by Luca Rossini on Flickr.

Lens: Voigtlander color-skopar 35mm f2.5
Camera: NEX-7, ISO100, f3.5, 1/60, raw

Easter Monday, the sun was high, so we left home for a walk in the city. We met some friends and we all headed to the center and reached the heart of Rome right in time for lunch. We sat at a renowned trattoria, “Da Francesco”, and had the typical meal of Easter Monday, which is basically founded on pig and lamb. It was great, I couldn’t remember when was last time that we did anything like that. I took some candids of Claudia while we were waiting for the food to come.
You can imagine what level of peace of mind I must have reached, and so how much I must have got frustrated, when in the afternoon I received another nasty comment on Internet. This time it was from another photographer. This time it was a huge load of crap against my very skills. This time it hurt really badly.
This guy thinks that some time ago I said something bad about his work. Which I didn’t, I actually happen to love what he does, some true reportage photography. And he answered listing the tens of reasons why he’s a real and good photographer and why I suck. I know that this is the reaction of a nasty five year old, who would praise your drawing solely after you praised his. But still, it hurts so badly I didn’t sleep all night.
So, my weekly assignment is to find a way to survive the internet. This project won’t let me get away from it not even for a day, so I need a strategy. First of all, I left the Facebook photography groups in which I was participating. Almost all of the attacks came from there. Then I’ll stop giving my opinion on photos, projects, and stuff. You never know how these things will be read in the future, and I am tired of my words to backfire me. Last, but not least, I’ll never post on any page on which I don’t have the ability to cancel a nasty comment. As one of you readers wrote me time ago, “the delete key is my best friend here on internet”.

4 thoughts on “58/365(+1)”

  1. I agree with CELee – Your work is an inspiration – I'm on the other side of the planet in Western Australia – and your images give me a wonderful impression of Europe.

  2. cheers guys! I won't let anyone put me down. At least as long as I get your motivating comments 😉
    Phil, it's nice to know you're following and enjoying these pages. I've been in Australia in 2006 and I loved it!

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