02 Aug

172/365(+1), a photo by Luca Rossini on Flickr. Lens: Voigtlander color-skopar 35mm f2.5Camera: NEX-7, ISO400, f8, 1/20, raw Today the deer hunting season opens in Kodiak, Alaska, in the very same National Wildlife Refuge where I spent four days between cabins, lakes, rivers, woods, and glaciers. It gives me a creepy feeling to think that […]

01 Aug

171/365(+1), a photo by Luca Rossini on Flickr. Lens: Voigtlander color-skopar 35mm f2.5Camera: NEX-7, ISO100, f4, 1/640, raw I finally returned to my home, with my happy wife, my incredulous daughter, and my tail-wagging dog. I’m completely exhausted and time-space confused, but after thirty hours of travel who wouldn’t…The flight from Minneapolis to Amsterdam was […]

30 Jul

169/365(+1), a photo by Luca Rossini on Flickr. Lens: Voigtlander color-skopar 35mm f2.5 Camera: NEX-7, ISO1000, f2.5, 1/60, raw After four days spent in the wilderness of Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, now that I know what’s “out there”, it seems somehow easier to me to understand the people who live here in Kodiak city. Almost […]

28 Jul

167/365(+1), a photo by Luca Rossini on Flickr. Lens: Zeiss 24mm f1.8 e-mountCamera: NEX-7, ISO100, f3.2, 1/1000, raw Early wake-up this morning,g, since the Beaver (a bad-ass, old school, single-engine, high-wing, propeller-driven float/bush plane) came to catch us up at the cabin lake at nine o’clock. Totally different weather, bright sunset with puffy white clouds. […]